
Hypnosis for Behaviors

I am a believer in that you can’t fix what you don’t understand and the emotional transformation session was able to help me understand the root cause of my behavior that I wanted to change.

I discovered the role that behavior was playing in my life and that allowed me to make adjustments to my subconscious mind which is in charge of the automatic thought processes that kept me making those same bad choices.

It was very transformative for me so I decided to share this type of process with my clients as well.

Imagine if you could have the life you want and that your behaviors would be supportive - no more self-sabotage. Experience what it’s like to have great relationships, self-control, success in sports and business, and so much more.

The best thing about these sessions is that I can do them without you leaving the comfort of your own home.

ZYTO EVOX Perception Reframing

My first experience with EVOX was to help me deal with the stress of money. I had spent 11 years running a business with no safety net - if the bills couldn’t be paid, there was no pot of gold to go to and inevitably, the money seemed to always be showing up just in the nick of time. This caused me to be so afraid of money and bills - even checks - because I just didn’t want to make financial decisions in case I paid one thing and something else would show up and there wouldn’t be enough. It was not rational but it was how I felt.


Enter EVOX, I did the session and I would just talk about how I felt about the mailbox and getting bills and getting checks and the stress of it all. And then I would listen to some music and get healing frequencies through my hand cradle then rinse and repeat. The miraculous thing is that after that session, I just didn’t have an emotional response to money. It was just a thing I could deal with and not have any emotional attachment. That was so amazing since I had stressed out about it so much I had went into adrenal failure at one point.

Here are the scientific details of how it works - for me I don’t really care how it works - as long as it works and it has proven itself to me over and over.

The EVOX experience opens you to new ways of seeing things, it’s called Perception Reframing. Old perceptions that may be stuck and damaging are released and you become free to choose better ways.

When you speak, your voice carries the energy of how you perceive or see the topic you are speaking about. The EVOX records your voice energy and plots it on a graph called a Perception Index (PI). The EVOX then uses your PI to determine frequency signatures that are most useful to you. It then sends those signatures to the Hand Cradle as electrical impulses, while you listen to relaxing music and think about the topic you are speaking of.

Perception Reframing can positively impact any aspect of:

The Root Cause Blog Post by Dana Christisen.

Dana Christisen is a Traditional Naturopath in Perryville, Missouri.

She has been in this field since 2006 and is continually keeping up with her education. Currently she is enrolled in a PhD program for Original Medicine.

Dana will guide you through a plan - answering all questions - adjusting protocols as needed and helping you learn how to listen to and nourish your body so that your body has what is necessary to balance and heal itself.

What Dana does NOT do: Diagnose Disease, Treat Disease, Heal, Cure, or Prescribe Medications for Disease. If you have a medically diagnosed disease, you should consult with a medically licensed professional for treatment.

  1. Personal Health – Health conditions involve perception, and reframing perception on health issues may improve the way you feel.

  2. Interpersonal Relationships – A better relationship with your spouse, dealing with a problem child, or enjoying your time with coworkers.

  3. Personal Performance – Improve your sports performance, increase your ability to focus, or become a faster learner at school or at work. Perception Reframing increases your ability to choose, it moves you to a position of choice rather than reaction. It can be profound because perception creates personal reality.

Every Perception Index (PI) is topic specific. Excess voice energy indicates personal perception of the topic.

Perception Index Zones

  1. Unacknowledged

  2. Repetitive Thinking

  3. Sadness

  4. Emotionally Disconnected

  5. Self Critical

  6. Conditional Love

  7. Anger

  8. Fearful and Overwhelmed

  9. Suppressed Emotions

  10. Unworthy / Undeserving

  11. Rigid Beliefs

  12. Conflicting Beliefs

Cost associated with EVOX is $125 and the session is 60 -90 minutes.

What People Are Saying About the EVOX

Several subtle changes occurred within me during my first session, the power and impact of which became increasingly clear as time went on. The work and its impact deepened with the second session, and I’ve been noticing positive differences in my moods, energy, and attitude ever since.–R. A.

I can’t believe how much junk does not bother me! This last session sort of knocked something loose. I’m doing so well, it is ridiculous! Mean people & stressful situations have absolutely NO effect on me. Another thing; I used to run from stressful situations and avoid possible conflict at all costs. I would literally start to have a panic attack. Gone! How cool is that! I keep thinking “I’m not freaking out about this or that.” –R. L.

I am so amazed and very pleased with the energetic shifts in my thinking, and noticeable changes in my behavior, which are the result of Perception Reframing sessions. –E.B.

ZYTO Bio-communication Scan


6 reasons why you should get a ZYTO Biocommunication scan

Here are 6 reasons why it is a good idea to regular ZYTO scans.

  1. Insight into your health and wellness.
    ZYTO reports provide you with information that may help you identify individual wellness needs. Identifying items to which you have an unusual response gives you and your wellness advisor insight about health-related conditions that may be keeping you from functioning at a balanced state.

  2. Identify your biological coherence for nutrition.
    Does one size fit all when it comes to wellness maintenance? Of course not!! ZYTO scans identify which products your body shows the most coherent response, we call it your unique biological coherence. Biocommunication results provide you with personalized information to help you identify the products and supplements that are most coherent for you.

  3. Save Money.
    Many people purchase nutritional supplements and then try them to see if they will work. Choosing supplements in this way is like purchasing lottery tickets and hoping you will win. ZYTO Biocommunication scans help you identify products for which your body shows a biological coherence. This information helps you purchase with confidence. Your ZYTO scan can help you make informed purchasing decisions.

  4. Increase Energy.
    Your body consumes its available resources in its effort to maintain a healthy balance. When your body uses those resources to deal with life’s extra challenges, like fighting a cold, you will have less energy to perform your day-to-day physical activities. ZYTO helps you identify the additional support your body may need to maintain that balance and keep your energy levels high. By providing your body that extra help when it is needed, you’re more likely to address issues while they are small, leaving you with more energy for your friends and family.

  5. Track your Health.
    ZYTO Biocommunication scans give you information ‘in the moment.’ But tracking your scans over time may indicate trends that you’ll want to pay particular attention to. Keeping track of your past can help you predict the future, and reviewing your past Biocommunication reports gives you essentially a look back through time. The more you know about how your body is impacted by factors like seasons of the year, stress, and aging, the more likely you are to make wise choices about your health and wellness.

  6. Verbal Communication has limitations.
    Have you ever asked a sick toddler or a child with autism how they are feeling? Even for adults, using words to explain how you feel can be a challenge. Biocommunication opens up an entirely new communication channel with your body. By supplementing our verbal communication with ZYTO Biocommunication, a second perspective is established that can provide helpful insights and information about your health.

Make an appointment today!

Let ZYTO help you get more out of life!

Base Rate $125

Group Discounts available

Discounts available to Whole Earth Wellness Team members. Not sure if you’re a member, just message me and I will let you know.


There are no known contraindications for properly administered ZYTO scanning. The amount of energy used in a scan is so low that it is safe for infants, children, and adults of all ages, including people with pacemakers and pregnant women.


ZYTO products help you make better decisions about your health and wellness. That’s why ZYTO technology is referred to as wellness decision support technology. It’s important to note that ZYTO scans are not intended to treat or diagnose.


Regular ZYTO scanning will provide you with up-to-date bio-communication information as your body changes. I recommend once every 90 days for most people.

ION Cleanse Foot Bath Detox


Relax with a warm, ion cleanse detox foot bath session, and enjoy the many benefits of cleansing your body through Ionic therapy.

30 minute session is $35

Package of 4 sessions $30 each

Package of 8 sessions $25 each

$25 when added to another service during the same visit

WEBSITE SPECIAL OFFER * First visit is $25 when you mention this ad *


If there are any chemicals, metals, critters (I like to call them), in your system that you would like to get out, you may want to consider doing some foot baths to start the detoxification process. If you’re already doing a detox then the foot bath can be a HUGE boost to work together with it to multiply your effects.

Glyphosate exposure has become a widespread issue. Human exposure is prevalent, and this chemical has garnered a great deal of attention as to the potential impact on human health and wellness. The long-term health effects of this chemical are still being debated in the scientific community. But, our focus was to better assess the glyphosate levels in humans while employing an IonCleanse detox foot bath. Here we present a study looking at levels in the body of groups using the IonCleanse by AMD foot bath detox and in those not using any form of detox during the same period. Overall our results showed a greater reduction in glyphosate in the cleanse group 48 percent versus a 14 percent reduction in the non-cleanse group.

IonCleanse by AMD detox foot bath usage resulted in lower glyphosate levels in study participants as compared to the control group. Therefore, this method of detox appears to be a successful therapy in the excretion of glyphosate in humans.

There was sufficient data to demonstrate that using the IonCleanse by AMD had statistically significant higher levels of excretion of toxic elements in the urine than not using the IonCleanse by AMD. There was also a 46% reduction in Aluminum and a 24% reduction in Cadmium. Read the entire study here:

Raindrop Technique

Raindrop Technique by Dana uses 9 Young Living oils including 7 singles and 2 blends and helps to detoxify the entire body starting with the spine.

Raindrop Technique by Dana uses 9 Young Living oils including 7 singles and 2 blends and helps to detoxify the entire body starting with the spine.

I first started experimenting with raindrop on my husband in 2006. He had a chronic ‘bad back’. He had had surgery on his back years before and although surgery offers relief at the time, it doesn’t mean your back is good by any means. He continued to have pain even after his surgery.

I got the kit to do raindrop which included a DVD that I popped into the player and started to copy what I saw the trainer doing. To my surprise, my husband felt really good after his first session (I didn’t even know if I was doing it ‘right’).

That led to more and more sessions and the purchase of a massage table to keep my back protected and we were able to manage his ‘bad back’ completely with this technique. We were both grateful - so grateful.

So what is the magical thing you call raindrop Dana?

Here are the details:

Raindrop technique is putting 9 different Young Living Essential Oils on the feet and spine. We use the pressure points on the feet that go to the spine. Then we drop the same oils on the spine and use different techniques to get the body to absorb them. This brings a lot of energy to the spine and allows relaxation, circulation and reduction in stiffness.

The entire session will be from 45 - 60 minutes long.

Oils used in this session are Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, Valor(c), AromaSiez(c), and Peppermint

$75 per session for new customers, $65 for monthly customers.

If you’re not in my local area of Southeast Missouri, I would be happy to walk you through the process of doing it for yourself and your loved ones.