Hypnosis for Behaviors


My first experience with emotional transformation was to help me with why I did not make healthy choices. I was taken back to a few scenes in the past, from childhood, that were related to this issue. I then put those scenes in perspective as to how they related to my current situation then was able to understand.

I am a believer in that you can’t fix what you don’t understand and the emotional transformation session was able to help me understand the root cause of my behavior that I wanted to change.

I discovered the role that behavior was playing in my life and that allowed me to make adjustments to my subconscious mind which is in charge of the automatic thought processes that kept me making those same bad choices.

It was very transformative for me so I decided to share this type of process with my clients as well.

Imagine if you could have the life you want and that your behaviors would be supportive - no more self-sabotage. Experience what it’s like to have great relationships, self-control, success in sports and business, and so much more.

The best thing about these sessions is that I can do them without you leaving the comfort of your own home.

Stop Smoking

Healthy Eating

Release Pounds / Weight Loss

Anxious feelings / Stress

Relationship issues


Health issues

What behavior or thought process is it that you are wired to keep in your life that you no longer want?

Don’t contact me for an appointment until you have decided you’re ready to claim your transformation now.

Sessions are 1.5 - 2 hours - in person OR online with Zoom

One session is $175