No More Sensitivities

Did you know that one of the fastest growing types of allergic reactions these days is food allergies and sensitivities? About 32 million people have food allergies in the U.S. with about 26 million adults and about 5.6 million children. What if there was a way to turn off those reactions to food?

Sensitivity Elimination Technique that I do is a way to communicate with your brain so it no longer finds certain substances a threat and stops telling your immune system to engage. Think about sensitivities to tree pollen, weeds, grasses, dog and cat hair, dust, etc. It works for things like gluten, grains, nightshades, seafood, peanuts, and eggs too. The sessions are quick and painless and require no supplements. The results are permanent.

You come in and put your hand on the ZYTO Biocommunications Hand Cradle for a minute or two and we get a report, like the one shown here, of the ranking of the categories you are showing sensitivities in. We then run another quick scan to see what sensitivities you may have against your self-cells (shown on the top). We will go over these together then determine which categories you would like to clear. One category can be cleared per session such as grains or weeds or trees. Each one of these is it’s own session. You can pay to have one clearing or discounted packages. I can do these remotely as well if you live too far for it to be convenient to come in.

Once we determine what you want to clear we then do one more quick scan and run everything that is inside of that category - for instance - if we chose trees, then it would run all trees like oak, maple, willow, cypress, cedar, etc. It ranks these trees by how sensitive you are to each one and the ones with the highest score get made into a custom homeopathic water vial which you hold for 15 minutes. While you hold the custom homeopathic water vial, the back of your head is touched while you breathe in four specific ways for two seconds each.

We are basically telling your brain that you are safe even though your energy field is sensing the things you have previously had an issue with. Easy peasy.

The next appointments - should you decide to do more - would just be one scan and holding the homeopathic for 15 minutes while breathing and touching the back of your head. Easy to do and the results are noticeable. You may leave with your water vial if you need to which makes your appointment about 5-10 minutes instead of 20.

This is good news for people who suffer with gluten sensitivity and nightshade sensitivity because in a few sessions, these can be de-sensitized so it may be possible to start enjoying those foods without adverse effects most of the time.

The biggest benefit to doing these clearings are that you give your immune system more to work with since it is no longer responding adversely to things that are not truly a threat. You only have so much immune system to go around and you want it to fight things like the virus you just inhaled while you were out instead of the banana you just ate.

Schedule your appointment here to see if SET is a good fit for you.

“I can eat gluten again. I used to get headaches and my fingers would swell and hurt each time I ate it. Now when I eat gluten, I don’t get any of those symptoms.” P.B., Southeast Missouri

“I had muscle tension in my neck and shoulders all of the time. Dana found a sensitivity to muscles and we did a clearing session on it. The next day I had no muscle tension in those areas any more.” R.F., Southeast Missouri

Dana enjoying the outdoors - No tissues necessary.

Allergy Season

This is me enjoying my yard without the aftermath of sneezing and nose blowing.

Sensitivities Report for Categories of Foods and Inhalants

De-Sensitize your reaction to things like Gluten, Grains, Wheat digestion, Eggs, Dairy, Nuts & Seeds, Fats, Mold, Fungus, Ragweed, Strawberries, Peanuts, Tree Pollen, Insects, Goldenrod, Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Heavy Metals, Tomatoes, Peppers, Onions, Garlic, Yeast, and more.

Detoxification The Good & The Bad

Detoxing is the starting place for any wellness program.


The concept of detoxification of the entire body and all systems are of importance when beginning any web ness program or protocol.


Many programs simply provide support for one thing like the liver or the colon. Although these can be valuable, they leave an opportunity for toxins that are released to float around and plant themselves somewhere else in the body. This is where the whole-body approach is better because it simultaneously releases and drains multiple organ and body systems.

I like to compare this to cleaning your toilet bowl with cleaner and a brush but not actually flushing the toilet. The things that were stirred up and still in there and will land somewhere other than where they started.


How often do you experience the following (in the past 90 days) : 1=Never 2=Rarely 3=Often 4=Always

Weight- Management

___ Frequent hunger

Head, Eyes, Ears

___ Head discomfort

___Blurred vision

___ Ear discomfort

Upper Respiratory

___ Stuffy Nose

___ Sore throat/cough

___Upper respiratory issues/allergy symptoms

___ Chest pressure

Joint and Muscle

___Muscle discomfort
___ Fracture bone


___Binge eating

___ Recurring head pressure

___Dark circles, puffy bags under eyes

___Sinus discomfort

___Feeling winded

___ Feeling like I can’t breathe

___Joint stiffness

___ Blood in stool
___ Food sensitivity symptoms


___Painful urination 

___ Blood in urine


___Dry or cracked skin

___ Pimples or break outs 

___ Excessive sweating, night sweats

Mental Well-Being

___Major sadness or mood swings

___Decreased memory, foggy thinking

TOTAL SCORE: ________

If your total score is over 70 or high in one area may be indicative of an underlying issue that should be addressed.


As a Naturopath, I have done a lot of research in the area of products to support different wellness phases, and for detoxification the OmniCleanse by DesBio is hands-down the most well-thought out and formulated kit available.

This kit has six homeopathic formulas that focus on these areas:


CerebroMax is for the temporary relief of symptoms relating to sleep, memory, and emotional issues.


SpinalMax is for temporary relief of symptoms related to spine issues including spasm, pain, anxiety, nervousness and the inability to hold chiropractic adjustments.


Matrix Support is for the temporary relief of symptoms such as occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, headaches, gas, congestion, irritated eyes, and indigestion.


Detox I is for the for the temporary relief of symptoms related to digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, fatigue, and stomach upset.


Detox II is for the temporary relief of symptoms relating to headaches, fatigue, and mood issues.


Detox III is for the temporary relief of symptoms related to improper breakdown and excretion of allergenic substances, including pain, fatigue, cramping, and upper respiratory allergy.

OmniCleanse CAPSULES: The liver plays an integral role in the detoxification processes and is a common place for toxins to get “stuck.” OmniCleanse Capsules provide sophisticated blend of nutrients, amino acids, botanicals, and enzymes for the advanced support of liver detoxification processes.

The OmniCleanse Powdered Beverage: A shake that combines a multivitamin, a greens blend, an organic fruit and vegetable blend, and specialty nutrients to support each step along in the detox pathway.


No. You are encouraged to follow some basic guidelines but fasting is not a part of this detox.

We do suggest limiting alcohol and excess caffeine. One cup of coffee a day is fine. We also suggest drinking half your weight in ounces per day of clean water.

Limit dairy, sugar, carbohydrates on days 6-9, and limit gluten when possible.

A full guide is included with your program products.


Click Here to schedule a simple evaluation to determine if OmniCleanse detox is right for you.



The Root Cause Blog Post by Dana Christisen.

Dana Christisen is a Traditional Naturopath in Perryville, Missouri.

She has been in this field since 2006 and is continually keeping up with her education. Currently she is enrolled in a PhD program for Original Medicine.

Dana will guide you through a plan - answering all questions - adjusting protocols as needed and helping you learn how to listen to and nourish your body so that your body has what is necessary to balance and heal itself.

What Dana does NOT do: Diagnose Disease, Treat Disease, Heal, Cure, or Prescribe Medications for Disease. If you have a medically diagnosed disease, you should consult with a medically licensed professional for treatment.

Hypnosis for Behaviors

I am a believer in that you can’t fix what you don’t understand and the emotional transformation session was able to help me understand the root cause of my behavior that I wanted to change.

I discovered the role that behavior was playing in my life and that allowed me to make adjustments to my subconscious mind which is in charge of the automatic thought processes that kept me making those same bad choices.

It was very transformative for me so I decided to share this type of process with my clients as well.

Imagine if you could have the life you want and that your behaviors would be supportive - no more self-sabotage. Experience what it’s like to have great relationships, self-control, success in sports and business, and so much more.

The best thing about these sessions is that I can do them without you leaving the comfort of your own home.


WHO misses Young Living Longevity Capsules????

I know my HUSBAND does. He asks me monthly when Young Living will be bringing these back.

Longevity Essential Oil

Longevity Essential Oil

The bad news is: they aren't back. They are having a problem getting an enteric-coated delayed-release capsule that will hold up to a long shelf life. Most capsules will break down after two weeks.

The GOOD news is: I have a solution....

Buy the Longevity Vitality Oil plus a carrier oil. I like to use avocado oil - like this one AND you could also choose coconut oil and olive oil.

Buy these delayed-release empty capsules from Amazon

Drop your Longevity Vitality oil in the capsules and add a few drops of carrier oil. Using these dropper bottles with your favorite carrier oil will help you easily add carrier oil when making capsules.

Voila....(did I spell that right lol)!!

I ordered these and will make him up a weeks worth of caps at a time.

Gary Young has been quoted saying that we should give Longevity Oil to anything we want to live longer which includes our furry friends.

Why do we use delayed release capsules for Longevity Oil?

The stomach acid destroys some of the effectiveness of your oils so using a coated capsule prevents the cap from opening up in the stomach and lets it open up in the intestines which help the effectiveness of the oil AND keeps you from burping it up.

Why do we NEED Longevity capsules?

They have THYME oil which is helpful for your immune system, digestive and nervous systems, cognitive (brain) function, hormone balance and relaxation; assists with oral health, eye health and skin health.

They have ORANGE oil which enhances immunity, improves BLOOD FLOW and assists a healthy blood pressure; helps fight of signs of aging skin and promotes the production of COLLAGEN.

They have CLOVE oil which is the highest known antioxidant. Clove oil boosts the immune system, helps oral health, is good for digestive health, cardiovascular health, and is a protectant to the liver.

They have FRANKINCENSE oil which is enhancing to the immune system and reduces stress, beneficial for the skin, hormone balancing, supports healthy brain / cognitive function, digestion and sleep.

Protects DHA levels which is a nutrient that supports brain function, cardiovascular health, proper cell regeneration, liver function, and immune function.

In full disclosure; I do get a small referral commission from Amazon if you use the links in this blog. Also if you choose to click the BUY OILS link on my home page here and buy oils from Young Living through my link, I will earn a small commission as well. This is how I feed my family so I am grateful. I also have a consulting business where I do emotional release work and other services as outlined in my services tab. I appreciate every one of my clients. Thanks so much.

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss any events or posts:

Progessence Plus

Progessence Plus Essential Oil Serum

Hey Dana,

How much Progessence Plus do you recommend for a person to use during pregnancy?

That’s not a one size fits all solution.

I usually recommend using enough so you don’t have any symptoms and some people like me need 10 to 15 drops a day just to maintain while not even being pregnant and other people need four or five drops, so you almost need to muscle test the person or pay attention to symptoms.

If they’re having head pressure absolutely use enough till there’s no head pressure because that’s the most common thing during the first trimester and is directly attributed to low levels of progesterone most of the time. It needs to be used a little bit throughout the day.

It’s important to make sure they have plenty of absorbable B5 and that they have healthy fat in their diet so that they can build hormones on their own in the first place. Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid, has a role in synthesizing coenzyme A which is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids and necessary to convert foods into fatty acids and cholesterol. Cholesterol is the and B5 make pregnenolone which is our master hormone. Any time there is a hormone issue, we always want to double check our diet to ensure we are getting enough B5 and healthy fats and if we are and there is a problem, look to see if we’re needing some digestive enzymes to help break down the fats. I recommend Essentialzymes from Young Living.

Ginger Essential Oil

ginger oil.jpg

Do’s and Don’ts of Ginger Essential Oil
Why Use Ginger Essential Oil? 

Ginger is an oil that is steam distilled from the root of the plant Zingiber officinale which comes from India and China. It is very high in antioxidants and is well-known for its effects in soothing an upset tummy.

We use ginger oil in a combination with cinnamon and clove for the very popular “Pumpkin Spice” flavor and aroma  that American’s love in the fall.  

When choosing an essential oil it is very important that that oil be authentic meaning it hasn’t had anything added to it or taken away from it.  It is best to choose essential oils from a company who tests their oil to make sure everything went as planned during the growing and harvesting process as well as the distilling and packaging process. At any time, synthetic toxic chemicals can be added to the product to create more ‘oil’ and cause it to smell a certain way, normally ‘sweeter’. This is adulterating and it is more common than not which is why I only use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils. They have strict standards for their plants and oils and are involved with every step of their production. 

The Do’s for Ginger Essential Oil

  • For a belly ache and burning.. Add a drop of ginger oil to a glass of water or put in a capsule with a few drops of carrier oil added.  You can also rub it on the bottom of your feet or on your  tummy for relief. A 2007 study shows that compounds in ginger may act as proton-pump inhibitors, similar to some ulcer medications which work to decrease stomach acid. 

  • For joints that feel good. Ginger can affect collagen in a way that helps protect cartilage and bone deterioration. Dilute a drop in a carrier oil and rub on joints. Side note, consider Young Living™ Super Cal Plus if bone building is a concern, it’s known for preventing osteoporosis. 

  • For maintaining good blood sugar. Five clinical studies using powdered ginger (less potent normally than the oil) showed that using ginger significantly lowers blood glucose and HbA1c levels.  Typically the ginger was taken after meals with no adverse side effects. 

  • For car rides. Motion sickness can be really bad for some people. A little ginger diluted with a carrier oil rubbed behind the ears or put on a piece of cloth and smelled during the trip may be helpful. Try this when heading out for your next cruise as well. 

The Don’ts for Ginger Essential Oil

  • Sometimes ginger can leave a bad taste in your mouth or cause stomach upset which is why I would always recommend putting it in a capsule that has added carrier oil in it and use it sparingly. I always say ‘less oil, more often’ as a rule. If one drop helps, then why use 10?

  • If you’re on chemo type drugs, be careful with ginger because it can cause a rise in the level of medication you’re getting which could be harmful to the liver. Some people like to use ginger during chemo to help with the nausea associated with it so use it sparingly.

  • Ginger may have a blood-thinning effect so if you’re taking meds that thin the blood like aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin, etc., use it with caution. Because of this effect, ginger should be used with caution if you are pregnant. A study reported women using ginger (from food and supplements) during pregnancy had an increased chance of vaginal bleeding after 17 weeks; however, it did not increase risk of birth issues like still-birth, pre-term birth, low birth weight, and malformations. I typically don’t recommend using blood-thinning oils of any type close to the delivery date which includes wintergreen and clove. 

  • Ginger may help lower blood sugar and affect insulin so if you have fluctuating blood sugar or are on sugar-lowering medications, pay attention to how ginger may affect you.

  • Product quality and consistency in ginger supplements is a big problem. tested 14 different brands of supplements and drinks and only two actually had the quantity of ginger claimed on the labels.  When you use Young Living ginger oil, you don’t have to worry about quality and what’s in it because of their Seed to Seal ™ standards. 

The Re-Cap


Using this link puts you in my Whole Earth Wellness group and you will have access to me for personal mentoring and my active private Facebook group for daily posts and ideas. Your referral ID should be 880288. Let me know you have ordered and I will add you to the group.

I do get a referral payment for everyone who uses my ID to purchase products. My family and I thank you.

  1. Tummy Aches

  2. Hurting Joints

  3. Blood Sugar

  4. Car Rides


  • Don’t use too much

  • Careful with chemo drugs

  • Not with blood thinners

  • Not with diabetes medication

  • Don’t use oils that are not authentic