
What is a FLOWpresso?

Why FLOWpresso®?

Completely Restore and Rejuvenate!

FLOWpresso® works wonders in many ways for all types of people. It provides a unique therapy that encourages the body to release toxins and promotes self-healing mechanisms to restore balance and enhance health. The non-invasive therapy uses compression, far infrared and deep pressure to encourage relaxation, sleep and energy.

What happens in a FLOWpresso® session?

  • Staying fully clothed at all times (long sleeves and full trousers required), you’re helped into the FLOWpresso by a technician. Whilst lying horizontally, your feet, legs, abdomen and arms are enclosed by the suit.

  • The garment has air pressure and far infrared cables which are connected to a computerised unit. The technician will set your initial pressure/heat settings.

  • The garment will inflate with air, creating a squeezing sensation that should feel like pressure similar to a hug, with no discomfort. Following this, heat spreads through the garment pieces. This far infrared heat penetrates deep within the body to avoid over-heating and induce a healing warmth.

  • The technician will spend time with you to ensure the settings are comfortable and personalised for your experience.

  • Once you feel comfortable, the technician will provide an eye mask and headphones to allow an enhanced relaxation experience. This reduces distractions while allowing you to let go of the daily grind.

  • The experience lasts for 40 minutes, whilst the suit works its magic.

  • The technician remains nearby to assist if you become uncomfortable or have any issues/concerns.

  • The FLOWpresso experience is slightly different for every individual. Whilst some say it helps them feel light and refreshed, others say it leaves them de-stressed, rested and more in-tune with their body.